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How it Works


We're excited to have you onboard with Mind Stretcher Online! Enjoy the full Mind Stretcher experience from the comfort of your home.

Stay connected

Mind Stretcher Communications App is currently undergoing some enhancements. We will keep you updated once the update has been completed. 


📱 Download our app


Our Mind Stretcher app (iOSAndroid) is our hub for official announcements, links to your child’s virtual classroom and worksheets, and monitored student-teacher chats if your child needs additional help.


Please download it now so you get the latest info on your classes. 



📧 Update personal details


We will also send out announcements and course info via email and/or Whatsapp while we on-board everyone onto the app. Do save the Whatsapp no. of your respective MS Centre into your phone so that we can reach you through a Whatsapp broadcast.  


Please make sure we have your updated email addresses and phone numbers. We can also send emails to a secondary contact (e.g. your spouse) if you'd like.


🔈 Contact us


You can reach us through the following channels:


Before your Class


Class details are sent by email at least a day before class.



📋 Prepare worksheets/notes


For parents who have opted for mailing of worksheets, you will continue to receive them as usual.


Kindly check your letterbox & ensure that your child has the worksheets before the lesson begins.


After your Class


📤Submit worksheets to your teacher


Please submit your assignment within 2 days of your class so teachers have time to mark and return them before next week's class.


You can send a scanned PDF to your teacher's email (found in our weekly Zoom email) or through MS Communications app.







📤NEW! Submit worksheets via MS Communications App & track them easily


📹 Tutorial: How to scan printed worksheets for marking with CamScanner

📹 Tutorial: How to work on worksheets digitally


Of course, if you have other apps/devices (e.g. Notability on the iPad), please feel free to use those instead!



📺 Review on e-Study Buddy


Mind Stretcher's e-Study Buddy contains high-quality recordings of each lesson for your child. It's a one-stop digital platform for your learning.


You and your child can log in to view, rewind or even rewatch lessons to supplement their learning.


Students who have to miss their weekly lessons can also catch up with the class using e-Study Buddy.


We've prepared guides on how you can work on your worksheets with free software that can work on any device.

© 2022 Mind Stretcher Education Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.

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