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Alvin Kuek
Jan 27, 20226 min read
"1984" & "Animal Farm" - Evergreen Orwellian Literary Classics
73 years on from its initial publication in 1949, George Orwell's "1984" is just as resonant in today's era of misinformation & fake news.

Alvin Kuek
Jan 21, 20223 min read
3 reasons why Visualisation is powerful technique for learning Science
Do you know that all of us share a powerful technique with top performers from all walks of life? What is this technique & how does it work?

Alvin Kuek
Jan 15, 20224 min read
SBB in Secondary Schools: Your Questions Answered (Part 1)
Streaming as we know it, will soon be a thing of the past. What exactly is Subject-Based Banding, G1, G2 and G3? What are its implications?

Kristie Lim
Jan 13, 20223 min read
Raising a Wholesome Pre-Schooler (Part 6): Character Building & Moral Education
No education is complete without character building. Character building & moral education are intertwined. How can parents inculcate this?

Steven Sim
Jan 11, 20223 min read
5 Cool Facts about the English Language
The English language is as fascinating as it is popular, and has its own quirks & history. Read this mind-stretching blog for 5 fun facts!

Alvin Kuek
Jan 9, 20224 min read
The GCE A-Level Exam: H1, H2 and H3 subjects explained
Why are the H1, H2, H3 subjects labelled as such in the A-Level examination? Read this mind-stretching blog to find out.

Steven Sim
Jan 8, 20224 min read
Tongue Twisters for English fluency
Tongue twisters train you to be more articulate and improve your eloquence. Read this mind-stretching blog for some tongue-twisting fun!

Bakery-Loving Teacher-And-Mum
Jan 8, 20224 min read
Atypical PSLE Maths Question no more!
The 2015 PSLE Maths question about the weight of eight $1-coins generated much discussion. Such Qs are actually par for the course now!

Kristie Lim
Jan 7, 20223 min read
Raising a Wholesome Pre-Schooler (Part 5): Confidence Building & Public Speaking
Having the platform to practise public speaking or to express oneself freely during one’s early years is critical. Why is this important?

Alvin Kuek
Jan 5, 20223 min read
Inculcating the love for reading in children
Reading should be a pleasure and not a chore. So long as reading is kept fun and interesting, kids will need no encouragement from you.

Kristie Lim
Jan 4, 20224 min read
Raising a Wholesome Pre-Schooler (Part 4): Nurturing a bilingual child
Many parents would agree that it is difficult to convince our kids of the importance of mastering our tongue. What can we do then to help?

Alvin Kuek
Jan 1, 20223 min read
6 Tips for Learning English Literature
Literature usually appears daunting for many Sec students. Here are 6 mind-sretching tips on how to learn Literature & have fun doing so!

Alvin Kuek
Jan 1, 20224 min read
Top 4 New Year's Resolutions for students in 2022
The idea of resolutions is that they empower people to accept change in a better way. Hope our list of kid-friendly new year’s resolutions

Kristie Lim
Dec 13, 20214 min read
Raising a Wholesome Pre-Schooler (Part 3): Know your child's learning style
There most common types pf learners are visual, auditory and tactile (also known as ‘kinaesthetic’). learners. What type is your child?

Mind Stretcher 学汇乐 Team
Dec 13, 20214 min read
Think in Chinese, Speak in Chinese
To learn a language, it is imperative to acquire the way of thinking in that language. For preschoolers, thinking in Chinese is the bedrock.

Kristie Lim
Dec 13, 20213 min read
Raising a Wholesome Pre-Schooler (Part 2): Develop your child's reading ability
Parents who complain about being stressed out by their kids' education are usually those who have kids in primary school. Why is this so?

Alvin Kuek
Dec 4, 20214 min read
4 Tips to make Science captivating for kids
Science may be one of the most hands-on subjects at school, but making it interesting for the kids isn’t always easy. Here are 4 tips!

Kristie Lim
Dec 3, 20213 min read
Raising a Wholesome Pre-Schooler (Part 1): What makes a wholesome child?
Every child is born to learn. Leaving the nature-nurture debate out of the equation, all children start on a clean slate. What do I mean?
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